because you're a little too old for school clothes...

Monday, September 29, 2008

Very Quickly...

Some pretty dope songs that have some equally dope covers.

Electric Feel by MGMT

The same song as covered by Katy Perry. This makes me like her a little more, she was already dope though.

Next up,

Sex On Fire

Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon

Covered by James Morrison. Also, freshness. That picture of him in the video is hilarity however.


American Boy by Estelle.

Covered by...

Sam Sparro.

Ironically, I like all three of the covers more than I like the originals. Not to take anything away from the orignals of course.

The Blow-Us Item, well...none other than a new video from Coldplay.




kyra said...

james morrison has a great voice...

Murph McMahon said...

Peep that in the Sam Sparro vid, the [female] drummer also did background vocals. True dopery.
