because you're a little too old for school clothes...

Monday, June 15, 2009

J. Cole _ New Mixtape

While back, I posted J. Cole's "Simba" video, and wasn't really sure who he was. Do I know more info now? Not really. He does have a mixtape out though:

Peep the tracklisting:

Oh, apparently, he's signed to Roc Nation, which is all you really need to know, I suppose.
If you liked the video I dropped, you should make this a priority.
Download? Clickity.

Yop, no need to thank me.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Maxwell

Entitled Bad Habits...yea...just click the image...take my word on this one


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Louis Vuitton Never Ceases to Amaze Me

Find more videos like this at


While ya'll were looking for a CDQ version...

I was looking for the sample.

The sample is from Janko Nilovic and Dave Sucky from the album, PSYC' IMPRESSIONS (circa 1970). The track is entitled, In The Space. Get a whiff of it here. To me, the sample is doper than the actual song...but hey, what do I know.

As an added bonus, the CDQ version of the track is in the if you didn't already have it...

Don't say I ain't never gave you nothing.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Kickdrums - Just a Game

Behold, hip-hop production team The Kickdrums. Yeah, that's right, didn't know they were Caucasoids, did you? That's OK. In any event, they just realized a non hip-hop EP, Just a Game, on your internet, for the free. Well...not entirely non hip-hop; the influence is certainly there. Two parts indie, one part downtempo, with a Sunday afternoon feel. Think Chester French, but without the electro smugness.

Here's a video for the title track, directed by Rik Cordero:

Album can be streamed here, if you need further convincing:

Like it? Need it? Clickity.

And in case you also need to acquainted with the duo as producers...

No need to thank me...much.

Murph McMahon

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Vid: J Cole _ "Simba"

Who's J Cole? Don't know. Who's BB Gun, the director of the music video? Couldn't tell you. Wherever dude is from, though, after hearing him spit on this here joint, he needs to make himself less scarce. Take this, and enjoy.

Murph McMahon

New Van Hunt

Stream it here, buy it here.


Last Day Dream _ Chris Milk

Last Day Dream [HD] from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

Really dope, really short film from Music Video Director Chris Milk. Who says you need an hour to tell a story.
