because you're a little too old for school clothes...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The word "Swagg" has become an epidemic!

But I will let it slide for this foolishness

Madness son...

I suppose I should hit you off with these Blow-us items as well. Some joints that you should be listening to, which I'm entitling, The Wonder of Stevie.

First up, one of my favorite Stevie wonder joints EVER. No, it's not A Ribbon in the Sky, though that is a GREAT song. It is a song called Superwoman (Where were You, When I Needed You).

Superwoman - Stevie Wonder

Like that? Well, I shall hold you down with the linkage. Shizzam!

Next up, another dope joint called Send One Your Love. As with the other, you may have heard it, but I believe that it deserves more play than it gets.

Send One Your Love - Stevie Wonder

Once again, linked up. Bamn!

Finally, the song All in Love is Fair.

all in love is fair - stevie wonder

Link: Click IT!

Wow kid, music stopped being this good a long time ago...sad but true...


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