because you're a little too old for school clothes...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Poll Update ~~> New Poll!!

Whose album are you looking forward to the most?

Q-Tip, The Renaissance
2 40%

Kanye West, 808s & Heartbreak

1 20%

Common, Universal Mind Control
1 20%

T-Pain, Thr33 Ringz
1 20%

Ludacris, Theater of the Mind
0 0%

Hmm...Q-Tip pulled through on that one. And nobody voted for Luda. Ah, well. Speaking of Ludacris...if you haven't seen Max Payne, do so, so you can be as disappointed as I am.

But I digress. New poll. Semi-relevant, as always.

That's all, bipeds.

Socialite Sign-off...

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