because you're a little too old for school clothes...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Its a wonderful week/weekend for trailers

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Enough said. No? How about the fact that Gambit, Lady Deathstrike, Deadpool, The Blob, AND Sabertooth are in it? Yea, thought so...

Not sure if I want to post this one, but....

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Friday the 13th, directed by none other than....*ugh* Michael Bay....expect explosions, slow mo sequences, and a rotating 360 camera sequence...or three...Michael Bay...fucking up all your favorites from the late 80s/early 90s.


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Tron 2, for all you old school classic lovers. This however is going to open Pandora's box for several video games, sneakers, clothes, etc. Madness indeed...and I shall partake in it.

Finally, my favorite one....

...I shall leave you to your own devices on that one...


N aka The Light Speed Warrior, 5000.

1 comment:

Joya said...

Michael Bay + Friday the 13th= the most action packed scary movie everrrrrr