because you're a little too old for school clothes...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Kanye Viddles...

That would be the new vid for "Heartless". Yet another Hype Williams joint, for the win. Peep the Andy Warhol nod, via the Campbell's soup cans. Also peep Kanye lighting the square. Adds some depth to the mood of the song, in my opinion.

That's Kanye West & T-Pain on "Go Hard" off of DJ Khaled's most recent album. Seems pretty low-budget. Oh, and peep the numerous plugs for Nuvo. [5 seconds in, and...every thirty seconds thereafter.] That drink's been in damn near every rap video out right now.

That's all, bipeds.

Socialite Sign-off...

1 comment:

Joya said...

I just had some Nuvo the other night...and I didn't find it that appealing...just a random thought, lol